Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Showing Off Pressure Cooker 2: The Revenge of the Black Beans

Yes, I know Obi *just* posted a recipe with black beans but ... since I made this for Sunday lunch, and since there have been pressure cooker photo requests ... I decided to post it anyway.

Of course, you probably won't want to go through the trouble of cooking the beans yourselves if you can get perfectly tasty, canned beans instead, like the ones Obi uses. Therefore, I shall only post the seasoning for the beans and how it is prepared in my Republic. No, silly, not Brasil. The Republic of J&B ! (Ok, ok, and Brasil...sigh)

So, assuming you've bought (and opened) the canned beans:

Fry an onion and a clove of garlic in a medium saucepan until slightly brown. On high heat, add a ladleful of beans to the pan. Mash the beans a little with the back of the ladle; let it bubble a bit, then add the rest of the can of beans. Add salt.
If you want to kick it up a notch, you can add a spicy, smoked pork sausage to the beans, which should give them a nice aroma and some depth of flavour which would complement it well if you're serving it with white rice like I usually do.

I served it with some broccoli Sunday but any fresh green veg should be good with this -- collard greens, cut extremely finely and panfried in olive oil and garlic is the way to go if you have the patience (and time!)...
One can of black beans should be enough for 4 people if you're serving it with rice, sausage, and veg.

Bom apetite!

P.S. This is called a Feijoada in Brasil (feijão=beans); traditionally, it's the dish of the day Saturday; Caipirinhas are usually served as the apéritif, and an orange or a slice of pineapple for dessert.


  1. Nice pressure cooker (hides his envious leer)!
    That looks delicious and I bet it would be great with barbecued chicken too.

  2. Pressure cookers are wonderful things to have. My mom used hers all the time. I need to put one on my list because the one I did have, I lost the little thingy on the top.
